Monday, March 28, 2011

                              Woven Magazine Wine Holder @ Php 260.00

                     Vertical Wine Holder Basket @ Php 28.00

                               Coco Whole wine holder Php 720. 00

             Abaol wine basket holder @ Php. 147.00

Thursday, March 10, 2011


                            RTD Mango Kalamansi Blend @ Php 28.00 
Taste our ready to drink Mango Kalamansi with a taste of a real fruit juice of mango and kalamansi
                                                   Milkee @ Php 17.00

                   Chocolate milk- blended with real Philippine fresh milk

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Healthy Product

100g @ Php 48.00

Flax seed- known to have beneficial effects on human health. The high dietary fiber in flax seed, due to its high water-holding capacity and low digestibility, increases the bulkiness and gastric emptying of stool. This in effect helps relieve constipation and other irritable bowel syndrome. Flax seed has content of lignans, which are phytoestrogens and antioxidants, are also associated with lower serum cholesterol and may help reduce oxidative damage to cells and cellular molecules from free radicals. Flax seed may also lower blood glucose and improve insulin tolerance (diabetes). Whole flax seed (powder and ground meal) may also reduce serum total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotien cholesterol. Flax seed can also reduce some markers of inflammation, and raise serum levels of the omega-3 fatty acids, ALA.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

         Roaming around the Production Area of Dried Mango


An interview meeting with media and Minister Akio Isomata during the inauguration of SouthernPartners and Fair trade center Plant Site
               Opening the build marker during the inauguration


                 Cutting of Ribbon During The Inauguration of SouthernPartners and Fair trade Center Plant site with Minister of Economic Affairs of Japan, Minister Akio Isomata (2nd from the right wearing eyeglass.)